Common Cupboard: "A Pooled Resource"
For those of you who are not familiar with Common Cupboard, it is a food pantry with a twist ... To read more click here --> "Pooled Resource"
A Common Cupboard Foundational Principle: "Invisibility"

In our orientation I usually say "the cupboard is merely a place we store the food that we have gathered together". It is not really a food ministry ... To read more click here --> "Invisibility"
The Key Principle: "Demonstrating God's Love"
The key foundational principle of Common Cupboard is "Demonstrating God's Love." I believe that what we do and how we do it speaks much louder than any word we speak. I believe that our western culture has heard a lot of gospel, but I am not sure that they have really understood it. Too often a large part of the Church here in the US has been caught up in arguments, divisions, political agendas, scandals, and frankly our own selfishness that the words and actions have not matched. So with Common Cupboard we focus on equipping followers of Jesus to do things in such a way that the love of God is demonstrated.
The Bible is full of directives to love in both the Old and New Testaments. Jesus summed up the Old Testament in two great commandments, to love God and to love people. He told his disciples ... To read more click here --> "Demonstrating God's Love"