
Food Drive Ideas

Here are several Food Drive ideas that we have found work very well. We can use any non-perrishable foods. If you are going to do a food drive, email us at CommonHeartMC@gmail.com or call Keith at 704-458-3744. You could drop the food off or we could arrange to pick it up.

1. Ask your church, Sunday school class or small group to hold a food drive. Ask each member to bring in a bag of canned or non-perishable food. You can arrange to drop it by the cupboard, or we will pick it up.

2. Same as idea number one except do it at your work.

3. Organize a neighborhood food drive. Just put out paper bags to each of your neighbors with a note. Ask them to fill the bag and put it out by their mail box or on their front porch on a particular day and time. Saturday around noon works well. Make sure to print your name and phone number on the note as a contact if there are any questions.

One neighborhood food drive last year brought in over 800 pounds of groceries! Threshold Church followed this plan in seven neighborhoods and brought in over 2 TONS of groceries (4350 pounds!)

4. Have a grocery scavenger hunt for your youth group or school class. Give the kids an area to go and knock on doors and ask for groceries. Give prizes for the teams that get the most items. Leave a note with the donors thanking them for the groceries and inviting them to come to church.

Weddington Community Church Youth Group recently did this. Sixteen kids broke up into 4 groups and canvased an area for about 45 minutes .... 311 pounds of groceries. Sweet!

5. How about this one. Why not have a food-less food drive? Collect the money that your group would spend on filling bags of groceries and either designate a shopper or send a check to Common Heart!

6. Here is a way to combine worship and commuity service at your church. Have a monthly food collection in connection with your Comunion Sunday Service. As you experience the breaking of bread in communion, you can share your bread with the "least of these my brethern." A great way to but feet to faith.
Canned Vegatables & Fruits - corn, peas, green beans, mixed, etc.
Canned Baked Beans
Canned Meat - tuna, chicken
Meals in a Can -spaghettios, ravioli, stew, etc
Breakfast Cereals - cold or hot
Pasta - noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, etc
Canned or Bottled Juices
Box Dinners or Sides- Hamburger Helper, Rice-a-Roni, etc
Salad Dressing & Condiments - mustard, ketchup, etc
Personal Care Items - shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc
Extras - crackers, cookies, snacks, etc
Paper Products - Diapers, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.